Sunday, May 3, 2009

Joe and Autumn

Meet Joe and Autumn....and baby Chayce. First let me just say...aren't they a GREAT looking family!! I mean...simply stunning if ya ask me. The weather in Lubbock has been nothing short of it's crazy, unpredictable self. We scheduled for the morning which didn't work because we woke up to 50 degree misty clouds. The afternoon didn't look much better, but we caught the window between the partly cloudy high of 65 and the once again cloudy "isolated thunderstorms" (that never happened). I say this to say, that God is good the way He organizes things because we had the perfect amount of sunshine and shade for this shoot on a day that was, otherwise, dreary. Chayce woke up just in time for her close-ups with my camera. She wasn't sure what to think at first but by the end warmed up to the idea that my camera wasn't a monster. Autumn and Joe were naturals in front of the camera so, of course, we got some great shots of them. They are my home group leaders for bible study on Sunday nights and let me tell you I couldn't have asked for better leaders for my time in Lubbock. They are an amazing couple and I am going to miss them very much. Thanks so much for everything...I love you both...and baby Chayce so much!

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